Election message from LEE TAYLOR – Security starts at home
June 4, 2024
Car with Reform UK sign on roof
Conservatives are voting REFORM UK
June 13, 2024
Election message from LEE TAYLOR – Security starts at home
June 4, 2024
Car with Reform UK sign on roof
Conservatives are voting REFORM UK
June 13, 2024

Save the date! SATURDAY 15th June

We are fast approaching what will be the most important General Election the nation has faced in a generation.

It is very likely we will see Sir Keir Starmer take office as Prime Minister come July 4th, leading an ultra-woke, open-door immigration and a hard-left form of socialism that will lead to the renationalisation of private enterprise at great cost to the taxpayer.

Private schools will close in their dozens, the number of boats will surge, and population growth will explode.  This will put ever more pressure on our public services, leading to ever more demands on the taxpayer.  If you work, or run a business and think taxes are high now, you many have seen nothing yet!

The Conservative Party is toast.  They are finished.  Voters that previously voted for them are not returning.

Here in the constituency of Richmond and Northallerton we are witnessing not just a crack in the Conservative blue wall, but the wall is tumbling down at pace.  This support has been coming over to Reform UK and LEE TAYLOR in droves, to the point our email boxes are full!

Save the date

Come and join us, therefore, in support of LEE TAYLOR, and Reform UK and take that stand with us on the ground of common sense, individual liberty and be the real and energised opposition the country will need come July 4th.

More details and exact location will follow.  Keep checking this site.

Do you have issues to raise?

Do you live in the Richmond and Northallerton constituency and would like to raise an issue with Lee?

If you live in Great Ayton, Northallerton, Richmond, or any of the other towns and villages in the constituency and would like to discuss a concern, or have a question for Lee.  Please do get in touch.  He would very much like to hear from you.

Election Countdown